I recently came across a wonderful local Canadian artisan soap maker from Toronto. The company is Corks and Bubbles and they specialize in handcrafted soaps and body butters. These products are 100% authentically handcrafted and 100% amazing. Corks and Bubbles sent a beautiful package in a gorgeous box (which is perfect for storing beauty essentials and the like in!) to me which came with a few goodies.
The Cucumber All Natural Soap smells so fresh and is very soft on the skin. The bar of soap is a floral-scented moisturizing bar soap but the floral scent is not overwhelming at all, just the right amount. Their soaps also all have their company name engraved into them which I think is a wonderful touch. I also got to test out the Lavender Body Butter which is another great product, the lavendar isn’t too strong and it even has small lavender pieces embedded into the butter, isn’t that such a wonderful idea? This body butter is creamy, nourishing and moisturizing, perfect for slabbing onto your clean shaven legs after the shower.
There was also an All Natural Soap in the box too which is fragrant free and great for aiding itchy or irritable skin. It’s soft, smooth and shaped like a little bird. I just love how Corks and Bubbles brands all of their products, they take such pride in their work and it definitely shows.
I also received an All Natural Soap in Luscious Lavender, I have such a penchant for that scent, it’s relaxing, healing & when I wash it it I feel as though I am washing away all the worries from the week..
If you haven’t tried or heard about Corks and Bubbles yet you must check them out as they are a beautifully branded company.
Thanks to Corks and Bubbles for partnering with me on this post.
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