I’ve always had acne all my life. And, because of that, I have paid a lot of attention to my skincare products. I have tried multiple methods of trying to clear my acne. Thankfully, I seem to have found a few things that have appeared to work. Continue reading for tips on how I got rid of my acne and cleared my skin.
Wash Your Makeup Off
I always make sure to wash my makeup off at the end of the day. This should seem like a given, right? You would be surprised at how many people actually don’t wash their makeup off. (Which means they don’t wash their face, either) at the end of the night. I’m not talking about those who have no interest in makeup or beauty. But I personally know some estheticians who don’t wash their faces. With that said, please make sure you always maintain your skincare routine, day and night. It’s so important. I’m very diligent about my skincare routine. Even if I’m traveling or out with my girlfriends late that night. I still take the time to remove my makeup and wash my face.
It doesn’t take that long. And, before you know it, it will feel like a regular routine and out of place not to do it. And, I’m pretty sure with time, like me, you will start to love and cherish those moments before bed of getting your skin ready for some zzzs.
Acne Treatments
Speaking of skincare routines, what I’ve recently incorporated into my skincare routine is the Acne-Free Adapalene Gel. This is a once-daily topical retinoid acne treatment. It’s a derivative of Vitamin A as Adapalene Gel 0.1% is a member of the retinoid ingredient family. Plus, previously it was only available by prescription.
So, what do Retinoids actually do?
Retinoids help slow down the accumulation of dead skin cells in the pores. And, we all know that’s the main contributor to breakouts. This product is dermatologist recommended and developed. Plus, there’s less irritation to the skin than traditional retinoids.
What I love about using this product is the fact that you only need to apply it once daily. This means it’s not a huge deal with adding another product to your skincare routine.
Exfoliate Regularly
I also make sure to exfoliate a few times a week. Again, to make sure I’m getting rid of said dead skin cells that build up. There’s no point in buying products (moisturizer, serums, etc) if you aren’t exfoliating. You want to start with a smooth palette if you will, before putting all of the other layers on top. Please note, Acne Free does not recommend exfoliating while using Adapalene Gel, but I find that my skin can tolerate it so I still like to.
How is it Different?
Adapalene 0.1% works to treat acne with less irritation compared to other prescription retinoid treatments. And my favorite part? The price tag, because it’s super affordable at just $11.99!
How Do I Use It?
You only need to apply a pea-sized amount of Acne Free Adapalene Gel 0.1%, as mentioned once-daily at night. FYI, It can take up to 3 months to start seeing results. But, as we know, all good things take time.
So, What Should You Expect?
As a disclaimer, some skin irritation may occur during the initial weeks of use. Make sure you’re not slacking on moisturizer or SPF during the day. We want to protect our skin. And of course, try to limit sun exposure as much as you can as it is a retinoid.
I’m very serious when it comes to my skincare routine. Therefore, I’m so grateful I’ve gotten my breakouts (somewhat) under control. It’s taken quite a lot of trial and error. But I think I’ve found some permanent products that are staying on my beauty shelf.
What are your go-to products for dealing with breakouts? Let me know in the comments below!
This post is brought to you by Acne Free and the InfluenceHerCollective. All words and opinions are my own.
Currently having some winter breakouts–maybe I need to give this a try!
I still have occasional breakouts. This product looks like a great addition to my skincare routine!
Sounds like a great product and an amazing price!
Very helpful thank you